Beginning of Mai 2007: The boat is into the water. My daughter is testing the Dingi under hardest rules. ;-) Naomi is ready to go in the marina of Nuremberg. The bimini top we made by ourself during the weeks before. The hole equipment ist checked and the engine gots a service. We fixed the leaving date on the 18.May 2007 and the third crew member Keith is arriving some days before. At last evening me had a good dinner near the marina. au Reise Schwarzes Meer Türkei Bulgarien Rumänien Serbien Kroatien Ungarn Slowakei Österreich Eisernes Tor Schleusen Donaufahrt Donautour Donaudelta Flußreise Segeln Hafen Häfen Rousse Wien Sulina Tiefgang Bosporus Reiseführer Bilder Fotos Kroatien Main Donaukanal Istanbul Naomi Segelboot Motorboot boot kanu kelheim passau wien tulln bratislava budapest eztergom baja braila novi sad belgrad ruse galati linz regensburg burgas varna nautisch vukovar Donauurlaub donaureise Schwarzmeer Schlögen Schleusen flussabwärts Schwarzmeer Abenteuer Fenerbahce marina nessebar Tzarevo Primorien Sozopol Yacht Muschelstrand Grenze Formalitäten Hafenrapport Crewliste